## Lisa Chung, Hongyu Zhao, et al. ## Bayesian modeling for paired RNA-seq experiment ## This is a testing version.. ## 2-gp log-normal model # Files: pairedBayesRsource.R is the R script, source file and # pairedBayesExample2.Rdat is an example, simulated data set. ### DETAILS ON pairedBayesR.R ############################################### # Required package: MCMCpach, pscl # input: # pre.yy : pre-treatment count data # post.yy : post-treatment count data # (columns of pre.yy and post.yy should match (from the same individual) # (rows of pre.yy and post.yy should match (from the same gene/transcript) # pre.NN : library sizes for pre-treatment data # post.NN: library sizes for post-treatment data # num.iter: number of total MCMC iterations # n.burnin: number of a burnin iterations # sigma.alpha and sigma.beta: standard deviation to # Metropolis-Hastings Samplling for # baseline expression ############################################################################# # Example: # # load("pairedBayesExample2.Rdat") # source("pairedBayesRsource.R") # # res <- runMCMC(pre.yy = pre.yy, post.yy=post.yy, pre.NN = pre.NN, post.NN = post.NN) # res$postprob : a matrix of posterior probabilities (EE and DE) # res$foldChange: a vector of fold change estimated from # this Baysian approach, logged scale