
We collaborate with researchers from different fields.

Representative Papers:

[1] Nievergelt C.M., Maihofer A.X., Atkinson E.G., Chen C.-Y., Choi K.W., Coleman J.R.I., Daskalakis N.P., Duncan L.E., Polimanti R., Aaronson C., Amstadter A.B., Andersen S.B., Andreassen O.A., Arbisi P.A., Ashley-Koch A.E., Austin S.B., Avdibegoviç E., Babić D., Bacanu S.-A., Baker D.G., Batzler A., Beckham J.C., Belangero S., Benjet C., Bergner C., Bierer L.M., Biernacka J.M., Bierut L.J., Bisson J.I., Boks M.P., Bolger E.A., Brandolino A., Breen G., Bressan R.A., Bryant R.A., Bustamante A.C., Bybjerg-Grauholm J., Bækvad-Hansen M., Børglum A.D., Børte S., Cahn L., Calabrese J.R., Caldas-de-Almeida J.M., Chatzinakos C., Cheema S., Clouston S.A.P., Colodro-Conde L., Coombes B.J., Cruz-Fuentes C.S., Dale A.M., Dalvie S., Davis L.K., Deckert J., Delahanty D.L., Dennis M.F., Desarnaud F., DiPietro C.P., Disner S.G., Docherty A.R., Domschke K., Dyb G., Džubur Kulenović A., Edenberg H.J., Evans A., Fabbri C., Fani N., Farrer L.A., Feder A., Feeny N.C., Flory J.D., Forbes D., Franz C.E., Galea S., Garrett M.E., Gelaye B., Gelernter J., Geuze E., Gillespie C.F., Goleva S.B., Gordon S.D., Goçi A., Grasser L.R., Guindalini C., Haas M., Hagenaars S., Hauser M.A., Heath A.C., Hemmings S.M.J., Hesselbrock V., Hickie I.B., Hogan K., Hougaard D.M., Huang H., Huckins L.M., Hveem K., Jakovljević M., Javanbakht A., Jenkins G.D., Johnson J., Jones I., Jovanovic T., Karstoft K.-I., Kaufman M.L., Kennedy J.L., Kessler R.C., Khan A., Kimbrel N.A., King A.P., Koen N., Kotov R., Kranzler H.R., Krebs K., Kremen W.S., Kuan P.-F., Lawford B.R., Lebois L.A.M., Lehto K., Levey D.F., Lewis C., Liberzon I., Linnstaedt S.D., Logue M.W., Lori A., Lu Y., Luft B.J., Lupton M.K., Luykx J.J., Makotkine I., Maples-Keller J.L., Marchese S., Marmar C., Martin N.G., Martínez-Levy G.A., McAloney K., McFarlane A., McLaughlin K.A., McLean S.A., Medland S.E., Mehta D., Meyers J., Michopoulos V., Mikita E.A., Milani L., Milberg W., Miller M.W., Morey R.A., Morris C.P., Mors O., Mortensen P.B., Mufford M.S., Nelson E.C., Nordentoft M., Norman S.B., Nugent N.R., O’Donnell M., Orcutt H.K., Pan P.M., Panizzon M.S., Pathak G.A., Peters E.S., Peterson A.L., Peverill M., Pietrzak R.H., Polusny M.A., Porjesz B., Powers A., Qin X.-J., Ratanatharathorn A., Risbrough V.B., Roberts A.L., Rothbaum A.O., Rothbaum B.O., Roy-Byrne P., Ruggiero K.J., Rung A., Runz H., Rutten B.P.F., Saenz de Viteri S., Salum G.A., Sampson L., Sanchez S.E., Santoro M., Seah C., Seedat S., Seng J.S., Shabalin A., Sheerin C.M., Silove D., Smith A.K., Smoller J.W., Sponheim S.R., Stein D.J., Stensland S., Stevens J.S., Sumner J.A., Teicher M.H., Thompson W.K., Tiwari A.K., Trapido E., Uddin M., Ursano R.J., Valdimarsdóttir U., Van Hooff M., Vermetten E., Vinkers C.H., Voisey J., Wang Y., Wang Z., Waszczuk M., Weber H., Wendt F.R., Werge T., Zhao H., Zoellner L.A., Zwart J.-A., deRoon-Cassini T., van Rooij S.J.H., van den Heuvel L.L., AURORA Study, Estonian Biobank Research Team, FinnGen Investigators, HUNT All-In Psychiatry, Stein M.B., Ressler K.J., Koenen K.C. (2024) Genome-wide association analyses identify 95 risk loci and provide insights into the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Genetics, 56: 792-808.

[2] M. B. Stein, D. F. Levey, Z. Cheng, F. R. Wendt, K. Harrington, K. Cho, R. Quaden, K. Radhakrishnan, G. A. Pathak, M. J. Girgenti, Y.-L. A. Ho, D. Posner, PTSD Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC), VA Million Veteran Program, VA Cooperative Studies Program, M. Aslan, R. S. Duman, H. Zhao, R. Polimanti, J. Concato, J. Gelernter (2021). Genomic characterization of posttraumatic stress disorder and its symptom subdomains in the Million Veteran Program. Nature Genetics, 53: 174-184.

[3] M. J. Girgenti, J. Wang, D. Ji, D. Cruz, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Study Group, the Million Veteran Program, M. B. Stein, J. Gelernter, K. A. Young, B. R. Huber, D. E. Williamson, M. J. Friedman, J. H. Krystal, H. Zhao, R. S. Duman (2021) Transcriptomic organization of the human brain in posttraumatic stress disorder. Nature Neuroscience, 24: 24-33.

[4] J. Gelernter, N. Sun, R. Polimanti, R. Pietrzak, J. Bryois, Q. Lu, Y Hu, B. Li, K. Radhakrishnan, M. Aslan, K.H. Cheung, Y. Li, N. Rajeevan, F. Sayward, K. Harrington, Q. Chen, K. Cho, S. Pyarajan, P.F. Sullivan, R. Quaden, Y. Shi, H. Hunter-Zinck, J. M. Gaziano, J. Concato, H. Zhao, M.B. Stein, on behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program (#575B) and Million Veteran Program (2019) GWAS of PTSD re-experiencing symptoms in >165,000 US veterans yields new biological knowledge. Nature Neuroscience, 22: 1394-1401.

[1]M. Chen, Y. Zhang, T. S. Adams, D. Ji, W. Jiang, L. V. Wain, M. H. Cho, N. Kaminski, H. Zhao (2023) Integrative analyses for the identification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis associated genes and shared loci with other diseases. Thorax, 78: 792-798.

[2] J. D Herazo-Maya, J. Sun, P. L. Molyneaux, Q Li , J. Villalba-Nunez, A. Tzouvelekis, H. Lynn, B. M. Juan-Guardela, C. Risquez, J. C. Osorio, X. Yan, G. Michel, N. Aurelien, K. O. Lindell, M. J. Klesen, M. F. Moffatt, W. O. Cookson, Y. Zhang, J. G. Garcia, I. Noth, A. Prasse, Z. Bar-Joseph, K. F. Gibson, H. Zhao, E. L. Herzog, I. O. Rosas, T. M. Maher, N. Kaminski (2017) Validation of a 52-gene risk profile for outcome prediction in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an international, multicentre, cohort study. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 5: 857–868.

[1]Y. Zhu, A. M. M. Sousa, T. Gao, M. Skarica, M. Li, G. Santpere, P. Esteller-Cucala, D. Juan, L. Ferrández-Peral, F. O. Gulden, M. Yang, D. J. Miller, T. Marques-Bonet, Y. Imamura Kawasawa, H. Zhao, N. Sestan (2018) Spatiotemporal transcriptomic divergence across human and macaque brain development. Science 362(6420): eatt8077.

[1] J. Shen, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, Y. Cheng, B. Cai, Y. Zhao, H. Zhao (2024) Joint modeling of human cortical structure: Genetic correlation network and composite-trait genetic correlation. NeuroImage, 297: 120739.

Cardiovascular diseases
[1]Y. Ye, X. Chen, J. Han, W. Jiang, P. Natarajan, H. Zhao (2021) Interactions between enhanced polygenic risk scores and lifestyle for cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and lipid levels. Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 14: e003128.

Substance dependence
[1] Zhou H, Kember RL, Deak JD, Xu H, Toikumo S, Yuan K, Lind PA, Farajzadeh L, Wang L, Hatoum AS, Johnson J, Lee H, Mallard TT, Xu J, Johnston KJA, Johnson EC, Nielsen TT, Galimberti M, Dao C, Levey DF, Overstreet C, Byrne EM, Gillespie NA, Gordon S, Hickie IB, Whitfield JB, Xu K, Zhao H, Huckins LM, Davis LK, Sanchez-Roige S, Madden PAF, Heath AC, Medland SE, Martin NG, Ge T, Smoller JW, Hougaard DM, Børglum AD, Demontis D, Krystal JH, Gaziano JM, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A; Million Veteran Program; Justice AC, Stein MB, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J (2023) Multi-ancestry study of the genetics of problematic alcohol use in over 1 million individuals. Nature Medicine, 24: 3184-3192.

[2] K. Xu, B. Li, K. McGinnis, R. V. Smith, C. Dao, N. Sun, R. L. Kember, H. Zhou, W. C. Becker, J. Gelernter, H. R. Kranzler, H. Zhao, A. C. Justice (2020) Genome-wide association study of a longitudinal phenotype of smoking and meta-analysis of smoking status in up to 842,000 individuals. Nature Communications, 11: 5302.

[3] H. Kranzler, H. Zhou, R. Kember, R. V. Smith, A. Justice, S. Damrauder, P. Tsao, D. Klarin, D. Rader, N. Katsanis, Z. Cheng, J. Tate, W. Becker, J. Concato, K. Xu, R. Polimanti, H. Zhao, J. Gelernter (2019) Genome-wide association study of alcohol consumption and use disorder in 274,424 individuals from multiple populations. Nature Communications, 10: 1499.

[1] J. Hu, Y. Ye, G. Zhou, H. Zhao (2024) Using clinical and genetic risk factors for risk prediction of 8 cancers in the UK Biobank. JNCI Cancer Spectr. 8(2): pkae008.

Congenital diseases
[1] S. C. Jin, J. Homsy, S. Zaidi, Q. Lu, S. Morton, S. R. DePalma, X. Zeng, H. Qi, W. Chang, W.-C. Hung, M. C. Sierant, S. Haider, J. Zhang, J. Knight, R. D. Bjornson, C. Castaldi, I. R. Tikhonoa, K. Bilguvar, S. M. Mane, S. J. Sanders, S. Mital, M. Russell, W. Gaynor, J. Deanfield, A. Giardini, G. A. Porter Jr., D. Srivastava, C. W. Lo, Y. Shen, W. S. Watkins, M. Yandell, H. J. Yost, M. Tristani-Firouzi, J. W. Newburger, A. E. Roberts, R. Kim, H. Zhao, J. R. Kaltman, E. Goldmuntz, W. K. Chung, J. G. Seidman, B. D. Gelb, C. E. Seidman2, R. P. Lifton, M. Brueckner (2017) Contribution of rare inherited and de novo variants among 2,871 congenital heart disease probands. Nature Genetics, 49: 1593-1601.

[2] S. Zaidi, M. Choi, H. Wakimoto, L. Ma, J. Jiang, J. D. Overton, A. Romano-Adesman, R. D. Bjornson, R. E. Breitbart, K. K. Brown, N. J. Carriero, Y. H. Cheung, J. Deanfield, S. DePalma, K. A. Fakhro, J. Glessner, H. Hakonarson, M. J. Italia, J. R. Kaltman, J. Kaski, R. Kim, J. K. Kline, T. Lee, J. Leipzig, A. Lopez, S. M. Mane, L. E. Mitchell, J. W. Newburger, M. Parfenov, I. Pe'er, G. Porter, A. E. Roberts, R. Sachidanandam, S. J. Sanders, H. S. Seiden, M. W. State, S. Subramanian, I. R. Tikhonova, W. Wang, D. Warburton, P. S. White, I. A. Williams, H. Zhao, J. G. Seidman, M. Brueckner, W. K. Chung, B. D. Gelb, E. Goldmuntz, C. E. Seidman, R. P. Lifton (2013) De novo mutations in histone-modifying genes in congenital heart disease. Nature, 498: 220-223.

[1] Verma A, Tsao NL, Thomann LO, Ho YL, Iyengar SK, Luoh SW, Carr R, Crawford DC, Efird JT, Huffman JE, Hung A, Ivey KL, Levin MG, Lynch J, Natarajan P, Pyarajan S, Bick AG, Costa L, Genovese G, Hauger R, Madduri R, Pathak GA, Polimanti R, Voight B, Vujkovic M, Zekavat SM, Zhao H, Ritchie MD; VA Million Veteran Program COVID-19 Science Initiative, Chang KM, Cho K, Casas JP, Tsao PS, Gaziano JM, O'Donnell C, Damrauer SM, Liao KP. A Phenome-Wide Association Study of genes associated with COVID-19 severity reveals shared genetics with complex diseases in the Million Veteran Program. PLOS Genetics, 18: 1010113.

[2] A. Unterman, T. S. Sumida, N. Nouri, X. Yan, A. Y. Zhao, V. Gasque, J. C. Schupp, H. Asashima, Y. Liu, C. Cosme Jr., W. Deng, M. Chen, M. S. B. Raredon, K. B. Hoehn, G. Wang, Z. Wang, G. DeIuliis, N. G. Ravindra, N. Li, C. Castaldi, P. Wong, J. Fournie, S. Bermejo, L. Sharma, A. Casanovas-Massana, C. B. F. Vogels, A. L. Wyllie, N. D. Grubaugh, A. Melillo, H. Meng, Y. Stein, M. Minasyan, S. Mohanty, W. E. Ruff, I. Cohen, K. Raddassi, The Yale IMPACT Research Team, L. E. Niklason, A. I. Ko, R. R. Montgomery, S. F. Farhadian, A. Iwasaki, A. C. Shaw, D. van Dijk, H. Zhao, S. H. Kleinstein, D. A. Hafler, N. Kaminski, C. S. Dela Cruz (2022) Single-cell multi-omics reveals dyssynchrony of the innate and adaptive immune system in progressive COVID-19. Nature Communications, 13: 440.

[3] S. M. Zekavat, S.-H. Lin, A. G. Bick, K. Paruchuri, M. M. Uddin, X. Liu, Y. Kamatani, J. P. Pirruccello, A. Pampana, P.-R. Loh, P. Kohli, S. A. McCarroll, B. Neale, E. A. Engels, D. W. Brown, J. Smoller, R. Green, E. Karlson, M. Lebo, P. Ellinor, S. T. Weiss, The Biobank Japan Project, C. Terao, H. Zhao, B. L. Ebert, COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative, M. J. Machiela, G. Genovese, P. Natarajan (2021) Hematopoietic mosaic chromosomal alterations increase the risk for diverse types of infection. Nature Medicine, 27: 1012-1024.

[4] R. M. Samuel, H. Majd, M. N. Richter, Z. Ghazizadeh, S. M. Zekavat, A. Navickas, J. T. Ramirez, H. Asgharian, C. R. Simoneau, L. R. Bonser, K. D. Koh, M. Garcia-Knight, M. Tassetto, S. Sunshine, S. Farahvashi, A. Kalantari, W. Liu, R. Andino, H. Zhao, P. Natarajan, D. J. Erle, M. Ott, H. Goodarzi, F. Fattahi F (2020) Androgen regulates SARS-CoV-2 receptor levels and is associated with severe COVID-19 symptoms in men. Cell Stem Cell, 27: 876-889.